Friday, October 22, 2010

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

(Update: To see another Minnie Mouse Zebra Cake that I have done recently go here)

I can't believe it--my little girl is 2 (well, as of this Sunday). Where does the time go? We threw her a Minnie Mouse birthday party last weekend to celebrate--a little before her birthday but I'm just getting a little too pregnant, and didn't want to risk having a baby when her party was scheduled for.

Ever since we went to Disneyland in April and her Grammy bought her a Minnie Mouse doll, she has been obsessed with Minnie Mouse. I saw this idea of combining a Minnie Mouse theme with zebra and LOVED it--especially because my little girl loves animal print too.

I was super excited to try making these different Minnie treats. Continue below for tips on making the Minnie Caramel Apples, Minnie Cake Pops, Minnie Mouse cake (with a zebra cake batter) and Zebra Pretzels.

Before you can have a party, you need invitations. I designed these in photoshop, and added a little bow on the head after printing them.

I also found a pattern for these darling Mickey/Minnie Zebra party hats online here. It just takes a little time printing them, cutting them, and sticking in the ears, but they are super cute.

Minnie/Zebra Birthday Cake:
I had seen this idea a while ago that I have been wanting to try--Zebra Cake batter. When you bake it and cut into the cake, it is supposed to have zebra-looking stripes. All you do is make a vanilla cake batter, divide it into two portions, and add cocoa powder to one of the portions making it brown. I also added pink to the other portion to have some pink to go along with the party, but I think it would have turned out a little better leaving it the cream color it is originally.

How you put it in the pan is the trick. After greasing and flouring a pan (and if you are me, putting parchment paper down too because you're extra paranoid your cake will stick), you start layering the cake batter. Start by putting 3 TBSP of one color down in the center of the pan and allow to start spreading on it's own. Then pour 3 TBSP of the next color on top. It will spread out on it's own, and cause the layer underneath to spread out too. Continue alternating colors pouring 3 TBSP back and forth.

After using up all the batter, you should end up with something like this in your pan.

Once you bake it, and cut into it, there should be a zebra-ish pattern. I wasn't too happy with how mine turned out. I was hoping for a little better design, but I had fun trying. To see a great version of the zebra cake as well as the recipe I used, go here.

Decorating the actual cake was my favorite part. I made the head out of rice krispy treats using a sports ball pan, and covered it in the black chocolate fondant I had left over from a previous cake. The ears and bow were just a fondant/gumtex mixture that I allowed to dry hard before sticking in the head. The rest of the fondant detailing is pretty self explanatory. I loved my little girl's reaction when she saw the cake for the first time. She kept yelling "Minnie Cake!" over and over.

Minnie Mouse Caramel Apples:
I saw a show about Mickey treats they make at the Disney Parks during the summer, and one of the items they make were Mickey and Minnie caramel apples. I just had to try them myself.

Before anything, you need to prepare your apples. Thanks to my friend Alisha, I found out what that actually meant. There is a layer of wax on the apples from the store. Bring a pot of water to a boil, and quickly dip the apples into the water, then wipe off the wax. This will allow the caramel to stick better. I used 6" dowel rods that I sharpened at one end as my apple sticks.

Next comes the dipping in caramel. Melt some caramel in a double boiler. I used some homemade caramel I had made earlier. That recipe can be found at the end of this post. Dip the apples, then put in the fridge to set while you prepare your chocolate.

Now here is where I varied from what I saw on the show. They stuck marshmallows on caramel for Minnie's ears. I tried that . . . and they kept falling off. So I tried using some leftover melted chocolate from my cake pops to glue them on . . . only about half worked. Finally I resorted to using toothpicks. I am so glad I did. It made the dipping in chocolate a lot easier--I didn't have to worry about ears falling off.

Melt a few bags of dark chocolate candy melts. I didn't have enough to actually dip the whole apple in, so I resorted to pouring the chocolate over each apple in a glass bowl using a liquid measuring cup, allowing excess to drip off, and then pouring the remaining chocolate back into my glass measuring cup to do all over again with the next apple.

To do the skirt you will need 3 things--white candy melts, melted, white candies (I used the York peppermint pieces--you'll have to figure out what to do with all the blue ones leftover . . . that shouldn't be too hard. . . yum!), and pink sanding sugar.

Dip the bottom of the apple in the white chocolate, place the candies in the chocolate, then pour the sugar over and allow the excess to fall off.

Add a little bow, and voila--Minnie Mouse Caramel Apples.

Minnie Cake Pops:
I found this idea on Bakerella's website. They are cake balls on a stick with candy melts as ears dipped into chocolate. Luckily I found some black candy melts at Michaels since it is Halloween time. (You can dye dark chocolate melts black, but beware--the Wilton black food coloring contains water and may make your chocolate seize up. I've run into that problem before.) These were a little more difficult than I expected--ears kept falling off and chocolate was kind of thick and hard to get the excess off--but I managed to get a few descent ones.

For full directions, see Bakerella's instructions here.

And last, but not least . . .

Zebra Caramel Pretzels:
My husband and I love to make these chocolate caramel pretzels for Christmas presents, we usually sprinkle crushed up butterfinger or skor bar on top, but I changed it up a little to get a zebra look.

First take some of the homemade caramel, roll it out into ropes, and wrap it around your pretzels (I like the Snyders of Hanover pretzels).

Next, dip in white chocolate and allow to dry. In the meantime, melt some black chocolate melts and put in a ziplock bag. Snip a tiny portion of the corner, and drizzle over your pretzels to make look like zebra stripes.

Super cute, and super yummy!

Add some containers with matching candy, and you are ready to go--a Minnie-Zebra dessert table.
Now, I can't end without showing you a couple pictures of my cute girl. Here she is with her cake saying she is "2."
And here are all the kids. Let's just say it was quite an adventure trying to get them all to wear their hats and sit down at the same time for a group shot. This was the best we could do. They sure are a fun group of kids, though.

Homemade Caramel Recipe:

This is a recipe adapted from the Licorice Caramel Recipe found in Candymaking by Kendrick and Atkinson
1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups corn syrup
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
Butter a 9-inch square pan and set aside. In a large saucepan combine the sweetened condensed milk, corn syrup, butter, sugar, and salt. Plac over medium heat ad stir until well combined.
Clip on candy thermometer, and cook, stirring constantly to a firm ball stage (242F if at sea level, 232F in Salt Lake/Provo area, and 237F in Las Vegas area--if you live somewhere else you'll have to do the boiling water test to find out the difference between the boiling temperature at your location vs. sea level to adjust). Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour into pan and allow to stand at room temp over night.


  1. Amazing!! What an awesome job! Abby is one lucky girl.

    Thanks for posting how you make your pretzels. I can't wait to try these... I think the other items are out of my league :)

  2. Hi:
    Thank you so much for posting this. I am having a zebra minnie mouse for my little cupcake that is also turning two at the end of this month and i am def going to try some of your ideas. I also made my own invites, but I wish I had seen yours first. I'm thinking of using it as a thank you. Great job!! I hope my little one enjoys her party as much as yours seemed to.

  3. i was wondering where did you by all the designs that go on top of the cake. like the zebra and pink.

  4. Hi Kayla,
    Sorry for the delayed response (I've been having some computer problems). The designs on the bottom tier of the cake were my own design. I just took some pink fondant and cut out white dots that I adhered to it, and for the zebra part I just cut random pieces of black fondant and glued them on the white to make a zebra pattern. It is easier than it may seem to do. Just take a pizza cutter and start cutting weird stripes. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

  5. This cake looks great along with everything else...I am going to do the cake for my grand-daughter's 2nd birthday this year...what size cake pan's did you use?

  6. Hi Tammy,
    I used a 10 inch round for the bottom and the Wilton sports ball pan for Minnie's head. I actually did the head out of rice krispy treats so it would be a little more stable, but you could definitely do that part out of cake too if you need that much cake. Good luck with your grand-daughter's birthday.

  7. Great! I Have to get the 10" pans but I already have the Wilton sports ball. Another question: Did you measure the pink srips before you put them on the cake? How long and how wide were they?

  8. I don't remember the measurements for my pink strips, but what I did was take my wilton round fondant mat and made a paper pattern using the 10" circle cut into 6 pieces, and added 4" to the end of the pattern for the pink going down the cake (that would be 4" x how ever wide the widest part is of the "pie slice" part). I hope that makes sense.

  9. Yes that makes sense and I will give it a try...thanks for all of your help Robyn! :-)

  10. I absolutely adore this party! EVERYTHING about it!! I also have a Minnie-Lover in my house!
    I could not find an email addy for you so I am also commenting to let you know that I will be featuring your Ladybug Bash on my brand new blog in 2 days. I have placed links and photo and content credit back to this page. I also added you to my party link up. Please let me know if this meets with your approval.
    With that being said, THANKS for such an informative and inspirational posting!!
    Carrie Ann

  11. what was the black chocolate fondant recipe that you used for the black of the minnie's head? And about how much black coloring (if any) did you use? Sorry, one more question, when using the fondant/gumtex mixture how much of both do you use?

  12. Hi Sarah,
    There is a link in the post for the black chocolate fondant recipe--it takes you to my Baby Under Constrution cake post where I put the recipe. Let me know if you still can't find it. I used about 1 tsp of the wilton gel black color and it turned it very black.

    When I mix gumtex into my fondant I usually just guess-tamate, but I think Wilton recommends 1 tsp gumtex to 12oz fondant. Hope that helps :)

  13. Hello robin

    I was wondering how you got the invitations done I already try the link that u put, but it doesn't let me. Can u please help. I trying to do these by next Saturday I barely saw these and I like it.

  14. Isabel,
    If you click on the link it should take you to a file share site. Click to download it, then click "download anyway." It may take several minutes to download it. You'll need some type of photo editing software (I use Adobe Photoshop Elements) to open it on your computer since it is a psd format. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more help.

  15. Thanks these really helped. I had another question in the table cover how did u do it.

  16. Joanns Fabric store had the pink/white polka dot fabric as well as the zebra fabric. I just bought some of each of them and cut them with my rotary cutter to give them a clean edge (I'm lazy--I didn't even hem them at all), and layered them over a white table cloth.

  17. Thanks Robyn! What size bag of mini marshmallows ?

  18. Hi Sarah,
    Do you mean for the black fondant recipe? The recipe I found just said a bag. I usually find them in the 10 oz size, so that is what I used for it. It worked for me doing it that way. I know for regular marshmallow fondant most recipes say a 16oz bag and I usually just modify it down to a 10oz bag version.

  19. I was going to order the pink sanding sugar from CR products that you used. I was wondering what the product number or color of the pink sugar was. Thank you.

  20. It is CK products' Pink Sanding Sugar 78-300P

  21. Oh my goodness! I'm doing my daughters birthday in a Zebra Minnie theme, and I am SO glad I ran acroos your blog, you did an amazing job and gave me some great ideas! Thanks! :)

  22. I am making your pretzels tomorrow! I am going to an Oscar party and these would be fun to try!

  23. This is AMAZING! Love it! My party is on Monday so I don’t have time to do all of this–but i wish i found these instruction last week! Great craft! Minnie Mouse Party Supplies

  24. Thanks for such a great post! Can you share where you found the sanding sugar and York pieces? I've been looking everywhere!

    Thanks in advance...


  25. I got the sanding sugar at a local cake supply store. Places like Michaels or Joanns don't carry that brand, so check with other cake supply places in your area. The York peppermint pieces are at our local Walmart. I'm guessing others carry it in their candy aisle.

  26. Hi, you did such a wonderful job with all the recipes. My daughters birthday is coming up & we too are doing a minnie mouse theme. I wanted to ask, How long can you store the apples & cake pops, before the party? I have so much to do I would like to premake as much as possible. Thanks-jessica

  27. I absolutely love this theme. My daughter adores Minnie!

  28. Hi Mattnjessicad,
    The cake pops will probably store a little longer than the carmel apples. I did the apples about 3 days before the party, and by about 2 days after the party they were starting to have a funny taste to them. Hope that helps. Have a fun party.

  29. this is the cake that i want. exactly the same. the same colors and theme. please please contact me lol.
    thank you thank you lol.

  30. How did you make those pink & black balls hanging from the ceiling fan??

  31. You can find the instructions for the pom pom balls here:

  32. I LOVE this! You have inspired me for my daughters 1st birthday! I love you ideas and you blog!

  33. okay great! Thanks so much!

  34. I love this and am going to try to make one like it for my daughter's 2nd birthday! How many would you say this feeds? What if I made the minnie head out of cake?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. The 10" round bottom can feed up to 38 people if you are cutting it like you would for a wedding, but those tend to be small pieces, so you may want to plan on more like feeding 20-24 people with it. The Minnie head could get you another 5 or so servings if you do it out of cake.

  37. You did a great job on this adorable birthday theme!! My little girl loves Minnie too and since we are going there for the first time this fall I am doing a minnie party too!!

    I was wondering if you could clue me in as to where you got the pink w/ white polka dot fabric? I would even use the plastic tablecovers if I could find them in that pattern!! Thanks!!

  38. Hi jblaz,
    I just got the pink and white polka dot fabric as well as the zebra fabric at Joanns fabric store. I am lazy and didn't even hem the fabric--I just used my rotary cutter to get a nice clean edge and then just laid them over a white table cloth. Hope that helps. (and now they are sitting in a drawer somewhere just collecting dust until I'm inspired to actually sew something out of them :)

  39. i would love to know where you got the zebra print and pink with white polka tableware

  40. Hi, I love your cake and the zebra batter design! I was wondering, did you use the cake recipe on the zebra cake site link? If so, did you double it, and was it sturdy enough to hold up under fondant? Thanks!

  41. Naturenut,
    I'm so glad you like the cake. I did use the recipe on the link, and it held up just fine under fondant for me, so hopefully it works great for you.

  42. LOVE LOVE everything! :) I'm doing a Minnie party in Sept for my daughters 1st and I will be doing most of your ideas! lol I'm going to make the apples and pretzels and have a quick question, how much carmel is this recipe? There will probably be about 25-30 people at the pary so would I need 2 or 3 batches? Thanks so much! :)

  43. Hi Stephanie,
    I'm excited for you to try out this ideas for your daughter's birthday. If I remember right, I made one batch of the caramel which was enough for 12 caramel apples and a bag of the Snyders of Hanover pretzels for the zebra pretzels, if you want an apple for each person at the party, I would probably double the recipe.

  44. Hi Robyn I am making a version of this cake for my daughters party this weekend and was wondering how much fondant the recipe you provide makes. Or do I need to make a batch for each color

  45. Hi Tiffany,
    one batch of the chocolate fondant recipe for black is plenty for this cake. You'll also need a batch of plain white marshmallow fondant recipe for the white and pink parts.

  46. Hi Tiffany,

    I love your minnie mouse apples. Do you sell them? If so can I place a order with you? My email is


  47. Hi Tiffany,

    I would love to place an order for those awesome Minnie Apples! Do you take orders? Please let me know as soon as you can.
    Thanks so much!


  48. Sorry I meant Robyn. Do you take orders? Please email me asap. :)


  49. I love the minnie apples. Do you sale them? Please email me at with information. It's my babies 1st b-day & im doing minnie theme. Yours have been the best looking i have seen on line. Hope to hear from you.

  50. Oh! Wow amazing job! I am now planning my niece 1st birthday and this is the theme .
    I Was wondering where did you get the table cloth from . The pink poke a dot ones and Zebra.
    Been looking all over for that.

    Thanks so much

  51. The tablecloth is just fabric I bought from JoAnns.

  52. hi my daughters 3rd birthday is coming up and i am throwing a minnie and mickey mouse theme party. i was wondering if you could ship any cakes??? I live in FL. please email me at

  53. I really love everything on this page, just trying to look for the invitations that you made here. I clicked on it and it was a blank page. My daughter loves minnie mouse and would love this idea.
    Thank you for everything your sharing.

  54. Hi jessicapina82,
    I just tried the link and even though there is no preview available, you should still be able to download it hopefully. It is a pdf so you will need some program that can open pdfs to be able to see it (I use photoshop elements). Let me know if that still doesn't work for you.

  55. these are great im doing this for my daughters first birthday :)

  56. Hi I was able to download the invitation, but i'm not sure how to go about changing the information on the invitation. Do you have any ideas? I have a Mac

    Thanks! :)

    1. I use a PC, but if you have photoshop cs or elements you should be able to change the information. There are probably other programs out there, but those are the ones I am familiar with.

  57. Loved this all!! On the Minnie apples- about how far ahead would you say you could do this? Would the day before be ok do you think or would it be a couple of days before? Trying to narrow down my schedule of decorating and baking :) Thank you!

    1. The closer to your event the better. Then the caramel apples will last longer. If you do it too far in advance they become kind of meely (sp?) with the caramel and chocolate on them. 2 days before is fine, but 1 day before is even better. Good luck on your party! :)

  58. Where did you get the dark chocolate candy melts? I tried making these today and my chocolate ran down to the bottom and was not smooth like yours, do you have any advice to help me? Thank you in advance. Ps everything you did is amazing you have great talent.

    1. I'm assuming you are asking about the black chocolate on the Minnie Cake pops. I did this in October, so there were black candy melts at Michaels and Joanns for Halloween. You can buy just the chocolate candy melts then use oil based black food coloring to get it black, but not water based dye or your chocolate will seize up. I find that I have to add some vegetable oil to my candy melts to get them to a good dipping consistency (if I buy other brands than Wilton that are better quality I don't, but Wilton's seem to need a little bit to help it not be so thick). I hope that helps. Good luck!

  59. What kind of paper did you print the hats out on? Would it be better to have these printed at a copy center? Also, I have tried to go to the link that you have for the invite and it says I don't have permission to view it. Love this party theme. Trying to pull together a minnie party for my almost 2 yr. old!

    1. Hi Swaner Family,
      I don't know how I missed your question until now. I'm sorry. We just printed them on regular cardstock. I will go check the invite now and see why it won't let you view it. Try again and hopefully it works this time (it's too big to preview but you should still be able to download it).

  60. Please contact me I'm trying to find out if you take orders on cakes and if so where you are located. Thanks

  61. Hey! I can' seem to view the actual invitation file. I get a message that says preview isn't available. Is there any possible way you could point me in the right direction or email the file? Thanks so much for sharing this!

    My email is taranpratt at gmail dot com

    Thanks again!

    1. I can't figure out how to get the preview to work. I think the file is just too big. You should still be able to download it though, and then you'll see it no problem as long as you have a program like photoshop.

    2. Thanks so much for your prompt reply! I'm not sure what's going on. When I click on the link provided, I get a google document that says "no preview available." I've tried to open using different browsers but that isn't working either. Could you possibly email it to the above address? Thank you so much!

  62. My daughters second borthday party is in May and Im planning on doing all the sweets you did. How far in advance did you make everything, Cake, cakepops, apples, etc... ?

    1. You can bake your cake and freeze it a week or two before hand then thaw it and fill and decorate it within a couple days of the party. You can also make the chocolate caramel pretzels up to a week before. The rest of the things I did within 3 days so they would be fresh and taste good (the apples start to go mealy if you do them earlier than that I've found).

  63. Hi! So I loved the apples so much that I'm making them for my daughters party. However I having been trying to pour the chocolate over the apples and I can't get it to be smooth all over the apple or get the sides underneath the ears. Any tricks or tips?

    1. I had to add a little vegetable oil to my chocolate to thin it down a little, then I poured the chocolate over the apple making sure it got into all the crevices, and allowed the excess to drip off.

  64. This is fantastic and what we are doing for our daughters 1st birthday. Thank you for sharing your file!!

  65. I will be attempting to make this cake in a month for my dughters 2nd birthday. I saw that in the stores they have the Wilton Fondant Sheets. would this work for the zebra parts on the cake ?

    1. I've never tried their fondant sheets. It would probably work. Doing it by hand is easier than it looks. You just use an exacto blade or small wheel cutter to make different black stripes, then glue them onto your white fondant covered cake to resemble a zebra. It's kind of fun if you are into that artistic kind of stuff :) If you use the fondant sheets I'd love to hear how you liked them.

  66. How did you get the ears to stick on the cake/rice krispie dome? Thanks

  67. Where did you purchase the polka dot table cloth and zebra table runner?

  68. This is adorable! I am attempting to make it for a 2nd birthday too! Thank you for the idea.

  69. Thank you for sharing your works of art! I too did your minnie carmel apples and the kids just loved them at my daughter's 1st birthday party... My son helped me do them and we had a blast!!! I wish you much success!!!!

  70. Looks lovely! Can you contact me for my son's party? thank you!

  71. Hi, you did an awesome job with everything. This is amazing. I seem to be having the same problem as others. I was trying to download the invitations you created but when I hit down load I get this message: 500. That’s an error.
    There was an error. Please try again later. That’s all we know.

    It also doesn't give any other options. I would really love to use these for my daughters 1st birthday. Could you please email them to me? Thanks.

  72. Hi Robin,
    Amazing Job, I would love to see a copy of the invitation, I;m thinking of doing something similar for my daughters 1st bday
    can you please email me @


  73. I have had a lot of people emailing me about the invitation file not working when they try to download it. I can not figure out what the problem is. It worked before, but nothing I do now makes it work. I can not email it since it is a psd and not a jpg, so unfortunately I am just going to have to pull the link from the blog. Sorry everyone.

  74. I want to make toughs amazing Minnie mouse caramel apples you did but can't seem to find the sugar where did you buy it?

    1. I got my sugar from a little cake supply store in Henderson, NV. You can find it online at lots of places though, if no stores carry it around you. Just google "pink sanding sugar"

  75. Replies
    1. I believe it was a 10" pan but it might have been my 9" pan (I did this over 2 years ago and am having a hard time remembering exactly)

  76. Robyn Larson could you email me please on really want to make the Minnie cake for my lg 1st birthday just not sure how to do it and what I need. Never made a cake like that one before lol. Many thanks x

  77. Hi I was wondering if you sell the candy apples?

    1. Hi Joe--I sell them locally here in the Iowa City area, but only locally. You don't by chance live here do you ;)

  78. That's a seriously good looking homemade cake - truly a labor of love!
    cake shop brooklyn

  79. Did you tie the bow on your candy apples around the stick or did you tie the bow first and them attach it to the apple somehow? Thanks!

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. My friend's baby is turning 1 this October and a Mickey Mouse Birthday Party is on top list. The very reason why I decided to make a collection of this amazing party ideas. I hope it would be okay to list some of your ideas on my compilation? Please say yes. Nice stuffs in here and thanks for sharing.
    God bless always!

    1. I would be honored to be included in your compilation. All I ask is you provide the source and link back to my blog. Thanks!

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